The Oldsmar Public Library is an information center for
the community. The library provides educational, informational, civic, and
cultural displays for the enjoyment of the community. The library display cases
and areas are primarily to be used for library displays, or library sponsored
displays, such as those of the Friends of the Library or other community
partners or for City of Oldsmar or other government displays.
When there are not scheduled library or government
displays, the library display areas may be available for the use of persons,
community groups or organizations to mount educational, informational, civic,
and cultural displays.
Appropriate exhibits are accepted regardless of the
origin, age, race, sex, background, views, religion, sexual orientation,
disability, membership or lack of membership in an organization or group, or for
any other reason.
Acceptance of a display does not imply library
endorsement or approval or disapproval of aims, policies, viewpoints, or
activities of groups mounting the display or the content of the display.
- Library-oriented activities shall have first
priority to use the display areas. City of Oldsmar programs shall have
second priority to use the display areas.
- Exhibits may be scheduled for display for up to one month. Requests for
display space may be made up to 90 days in advance.
Requests are made to the Library Director or designee. Requests for display
areas are on a "first come, first served" basis.
- The name of the sponsoring person or group and a contact telephone number must be visible in the display.
- The library reserves the right to limit the number
of times the display areas may be used by any person or organization so that
everyone may have a fair opportunity to use them.
- Displays are limited as to size by the space available.
- Displays may not be illegal, defamatory or obscene.
Determination of this status will be referred to appropriate legal authorities.
- The name, address, or telephone number of the Oldsmar Library may not be used
in any way that might imply library sponsorship of the display.
- Displays may not present a health or safety issue. They may not block access to any
area of the library. ADA guidelines will be considered when placing a display.
- Any damage occurring as a result of erecting a
display will be repaired at the expense of the person erecting the display.
- No sound amplifiers may be used as part of any display.
- Oldsmar Library assumes no responsibility for the
preservation, security, or possible damage or theft of any item displayed.
- Access to displays will be only during normal hours of operation for the library.
- Displays may not disrupt normal library operations, nor may they interfere with
the use and enjoyment of the library by others.