All donations become the property of the Oldsmar Library and may be disposed of at the discretion of the Library Director.
Please do not leave donations outside or put them in the book or video returns
Items accepted:
- Hardcover fiction in good condition
- Recent (within 2 years) hardcover non-fiction on timely or popular topics (diets, cooking, political, biographies, bestsellers)
- Paperback fiction in very good condition
- Children's books in very good condition
- CDs and DVDs in good condition
- Some magazines, e.g. decorating, cooking, crafts, travel, National Geographic
- Puzzles in good condition and with all pieces
Materials must be in a plastic shopping bag with a limit of 2-3 bags
We are unable to accept large donations due to storage limitations
A receipt may be obtained upon request at the time of donation.
Items NOT accepted:
- Weekly news magazines, investment magazines, other magazines that are time sensitive
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks over 5 years old
- VHS tapes, audio cassettes